Cynthia Good has authored and co-authored numerous publications in the fields of psychology, parenting, perinatal mental health, lactation, lactational psychology, culture, equity/diversity/inclusion, ethics, and engineering research.
Good, C. Pregnancy Loss and Infant Death: Understanding Grief and Trauma [revised]. Lynnwood, WA: LifeCircle Counseling and Consulting, LLC 2024.
Good, C. Ego State Therapy [brochure]. Ego State Therapy North America, 2022.
Good, C. Stimming: Questions and Answers for Parents. Sandbox Therapy Group [blog]. July 15, 2020.
Good C. It’s OK not to be OK in a pandemic. Upon the Healing Journey [blog]. March 29, 2020.
Good, C. Sharing an Autism Diagnosis with Your Child, Part Two: The Conversation is a Journey. Sandbox Therapy Group [blog]. January 15, 2020.
Good, C. Sharing an Autism Diagnosis with Your Child, Part One: Preparing Ahead of Time. Sandbox Therapy Group [blog]. January 10, 2020.
Good, C. Parent Support: Navigating the Learning Curve of Parenting a Child with Autism. Sandbox Therapy Group [blog]. November 6, 2019.
Good, C. Suspecting narcissistic abuse. Upon the Healing Journey [blog]. May 15, 2019.
Good, C. Coping with Perinatal Stress and Depression. Lynnwood, WA: LifeCircle Counseling and Consulting, LLC 2019.
Good, C. Mental Health Care for Postpartum Depression During Lactation. Lynnwood, WA: LifeCircle Counseling and Consulting, LLC 2019.
Good Mojab, C. Interview. Perinatal Support Washington Newsletter. February 24, 2016.
Good Mojab, C. The Lactation Equity Action Committee: A Brief History and ILCA's Role. International Lactation Consultant Association. January 5, 2016.
Good Mojab, C. Upon the healing journey. STIGMAMA. May 1, 2015.
Good Mojab, C. and Healy, E. Undoing institutional racism in perinatal support organizations: First steps for eliminating racial inequity in breastfeeding support. In P. Hall Smith and M. Labbok (Eds.) It Takes a Village: The Role of the Greater Community in Inspiring and Empowering Women to Breastfeed. Amarillo, TX: Praeclarus Press 2015.
Good Mojab, C. Pandora’s Box is already open: Answering the ongoing call to dismantle institutional oppression in the field of breastfeeding. Journal of Human Lactation. 2015 31(1):32-35.
2014 Lactation Summit Design Team. Summary Report of the 2014 Lactation Summit: Addressing Inequities within the Lactation Profession. Morrisville, NC: ILCA 2014.
Good Mojab, C. What bereaved parents need from medical professionals. Brief Encounters 2014 20(3): 1, 3.
Good Mojab, C. Coping with Perinatal Stress and Depression. Lynnwood, WA: LifeCircle Counseling and Consulting, LLC 2014.
Good Mojab, C. Mental Health Care for Postpartum Depression During Breastfeeding. Lynnwood, WA: LifeCircle Counseling and Consulting, LLC 2014.
Good Mojab, C. When Birth is Traumatic. Revised. Lynnwood, WA: LifeCircle Counseling and Consulting, LLC 2014.
Good Mojab, C. Pregnancy Loss and Infant Death: Understanding Grief and Trauma. Revised. Lynnwood, WA: LifeCircle Counseling and Consulting, LLC 2014.
Good Mojab, C. Breastfeeding and the Challenge of Cultural Change. Revised. Lynnwood, WA: LifeCircle Counseling and Consulting, LLC 2013.
Good Mojab, C. Welcoming Mother-Professionals at ILCA Conferences. Revised. Lynnwood, WA: LifeCircle Counseling and Consulting, LLC 2013.
Good Mojab, C. The impact of traumatic childbirth on health through the undermining of breastfeeding. In V. Banyard, V. Edwards, and K. Kendall-Tackett (Eds.) Trauma and Physical Health: Understanding the Effects of Extreme Stress and of Psychological Harm. New York: Routledge 2009.
Good Mojab, C. Pregnancy Loss and Infant Death: Understanding Grief and Trauma. Hillsboro, OR: LifeCircle Counseling and Consulting, LLC 2007.
Good Mojab, C. Congenital torticollis in the nursling. Journal of Human Lactation 2007 23(1):12.
Good Mojab, C. Mental Health Care for Breastfeeding Mothers with Postpartum Depression. Hillsboro, OR: LifeCircle Counseling and Consulting, LLC 2006.
Good Mojab, C. Breastfeeding and the Challenge of Cultural Change. Hillsboro, OR: LifeCircle Counseling and Consulting, LLC 2006.
Good Mojab, C. Coping with Maternal Stress and Depression. Hillsboro, OR: LifeCircle Counseling and Consulting, LLC 2006.
Good Mojab, C. When Birth is Traumatic. Hillsboro, OR: LifeCircle Counseling and Consulting, LLC 2006.
Good Mojab, C. Regarding the emerging field of lactational psychology. Journal of Human Lactation 2006 22(1): 13-14.
Good Mojab, C. Sunlight deficiency: Helping breastfeeding mothers find the facts. Leaven 2003 39(4):75-79.
Good Mojab, C. Testimony in support of Oregon Senate Bill 783: Relating to breastfeeding in the workplace. Oregon Senate General Government Committee Hearing, Salem, Oregon. March 31, 2003.
Good Mojab, C. Sunlight deficiency: A review of the literature. Mothering 2003 117:52-55 57-63.
Good Mojab, C. Sunlight Deficiency, "Vitamin D," and Breastfeeding. Media Release. La Leche League International April 17, 2003.
Good Mojab, C. Sunlight deficiency and breastfeeding. Breastfeeding Abstracts 2002 22(1):3-4.
Good Mojab, C. The real breastfeeding issue goes far beyond mere guilt. The Oregonian. Thursday, July 25, 2002.
Good Mojab, C. Galactagogue basics for La Leche League Leaders. Patchwork Pages: The Voice of Oregon Leaders Spring 2002, pp. 2-3.
Good Mojab, C. Congenital disorders in the nursling. Unit 5. Lactation Consultant Series II. Schaumburg, IL: La Leche League International 2002.
Good Mojab, C. In the balance. New Beginnings 2002 19(1):31-32.
Good Mojab, C. Helping mothers create breastfeeding allies. Leaven 2001/2002 37(6): 123-127.
Michels, D. and Good Mojab, C., with Bar-Yam, N. Breastfeeding at a Glance: Facts, Figures and Trivia about Lactation. Washington, DC: Platypus Media 2001.
Good Mojab, C. Breastfeeding resource list. In D. Michels (ed.). Breastfeeding Annual International 2001. Washington, DC: Platypus Media, 2001.
Good Mojab, C. The cultural art of breastfeeding. Leaven 2000 36(5):87-91.
Good Mojab, C. Congenital disorders: Implications for breastfeeding. Leaven 1999/2000 35(6):123128.
Good Mojab, C. Relearning the lost art of breastfeeding: Obstacles and resources for Iranian and American women. Andisheh 1999 1(10):4-6.
Good Mojab, C. Helping the blind or visually impaired mother breastfeed. Leaven 1999 35(3):51-56.
Evans, L., Good Mojab, C., Patel, A., Romine, A., Smith, K., and Wilson, T. Evaluation of Materials, Procedures, and Equipment for Pavement Maintenance (SHRP H106). Transportation Research Records. Washington, DC: National Research Council 1996.
Visor, J., Johnson, J., Schollaert, A., Good Mojab, C., and Davenport, O. Supplemental Instruction’s impact on affect: A follow-up and expansion. Proceedings from the 20th Annual Conference on Developmental Education. Chicago: National Association for Developmental Education 1995.
Bergner, R. and Good Mojab, C. Assessing self-critical patterns and the factors maintaining them. In C. R. Snyder (Series Ed.). Pathological Self-Criticism: Assessment and treatment. New York: Plenum Press 1995.
Good Mojab, C. Culture and coping: The influence of individualism-collectivism on coping styles [Abstract]. Illinois State University 1995 Graduate Research Symposium Proceedings. Normal, IL: Illinois State University 1995.
Good Mojab, C. Training Program: Spall Repair. Washington, DC: Strategic Highway Research Program and the National Research Council 1994.
Good Mojab, C., Patel, A., and Romine, A. Innovative Materials Development and Testing. Volume 5— Partial Depth Spall Repair, SHRP-H-356. Washington, DC: Strategic Highway Research Program 1993.
Patel, A., Good Mojab, C., and Romine, A. Concrete Pavement Repair Manuals of Practice: Materials and Procedures for Rapid Repair of Partial-Depth Spalls in Concrete Pavements, Strategic Highway Research Program Report SHRP-H-349. Strategic Highway Research Program, Washington, DC, 1993.
Good Mojab, C., Patel, A., Romine, A., Smith, K., and Wilson, T. Project overview. Innovative Materials Development and Testing (Vol. 1, SHRP H352). Washington, DC: National Research Council, Strategic Highway Research Program 1993.